Ten years in the making and premiered on World Water Day 2019, Hidden Rivers is a one-hour film produced by Freshwaters Illustrated that explores the rivers and streams of the Southern Appalachian region, North America’s most biologically rich waters. The film follows the work of conservation biologists and explorers throughout the region – revealing both the beauty and vulnerability of this aquatic life – and how many people are finding ways to protect these ecosystems.

From Jeremy Monroe, Founder and Director of Freshwaters Illustrated I founded Freshwaters Illustrated to help create more immersive imagery and stories that carry the beauty, biodiversity, and value of freshwater ecosystems. I see my job as helping to reconnect people to the intricacy, wonder, and needs of rivers, lakes, and wetlands. My background in aquatic ecology helps me access stories that celebrate the vibrance and value of freshwater life, and with a talented group of visual artists and communicators, I work to make those stories as immersive as they can be. I have degrees in Aquatic Ecology and Fishery Biology from Colorado State University.